With a love of screen printing ignited by a summer workshop in another state, Rachel has been printing her original illustrations onto fabric, textiles, and paper since 2018.

Rachel is a maker.

Rachel Dominguez-Benner makes moments, memories, and opportunities that spark creative joy in others.

A trained Graphic Designer with a love of screenprint, ink illustration, paper crafting, storytelling, and gifting – Rachel is a maker of many mediums who loves the cross-pollination of ideas that emerges in creative community spaces. With a vibrant, bold style and emphasis on original brush ink illustrations, Rachel creates giftable art for everyday use in your kitchen and home.

Building with others, Rachel is a Designer and Co-op Developer rooted in Dayton, Ohio since 2014 with clients across the United States. Rachel DB Creative brings additional capacity to non-profits and co-ops by contract support in Graphic Design, Communications, Membership Development, Creative Process + Co-op Experience. Rachel serves as Board President of the Dayton Sewing Collaborative.

Lovers of gifts for your kitchen and home can find Rachel DB Creative in-person at markets around Dayton, Ohio during the holiday and summer seasons.

For the rest of the year, browse in-person with one of our stockists -or- shop from home 24/7 and visit our own online shop.

Art for your everyday.

Rachel is a co-op education specialist.

From a 6-member worker-owned bicycle repair and sales shop in Portland, Oregon circa 2007 on through to current organizing with co-ops in Dayton, Ohio: Rachel Dominguez-Benner is a Co-op developer, graphic designer, and marketing strategist with 15+ years of creative grassroots marketing and community-rooted small business development across the United States.

A committed student of cooperatives with a passion to share skills and knowledge to grow our cooperative economy, Rachel shines in creating tools and resources to communicate often complex concepts in a clear, inviting and fun way.

Cooperatives are generally places to come together, and through joint-ownership and democratic-control, create what we need to meet our common needs.